
Energy Atlas 2018 – Facts and figures about renewables in Europe

Europe is coming from a past with fossil fuel driven, environmentally harmful and monopolized energy supply and is heading towards a future of a democratic, decentralized and climate-friendly energy system.

At this important moment in the energy transition expert authors bring together facts and figures that shine a light on how and where the transition is progressing, what forces are pushing it forward and what are slowing it down.

By when can we make a 100% renewable energy system a reality?  How many jobs are there in the new renewable economy? Which countries have achieved the most in the last years? What are the remaining challenges on the road to achieving an interconnected, democratic and socially just energy system that could turn the EU in a global leader in green innovations?

The publication is a cooperation project between the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Friends of the Earth Europe, the European Renewable Energies Federation and the Green European Foundation.  The energy atlas will be an additional publication in the very popular series that has included the Meat Atlas, the Coal Atlas and the Agrifood atlas.

The Atlas comes out at a crucial point in time when the EU is finalizing its next generation of energy legislation. The targets and regulations agreed in the Clean Energy Package will shape Europe’s energy landscape for the next decade – the last critical chance to avoid catastrophic climate change and enhance citizen energy!


11:30h Welcome remarks: Radostina Primova, Director Climate and Energy Programme, Heinrich Böll Foundation EU office

11:40h Keynote speech by Claude Turmes, Greens/ EFA, European Parliament

11:50h Presentation of the key messages from the Energy Atlas

Molly Walsh, Climate and Energy Campaigner, Friends of the Earth Europe

Radostina Primova, Director Climate and Energy Programme, Heinrich Böll Foundation EU office

12:00- 13:00h Panel discussion


  • Claude Turmes, Greens/ EFA, European Parliament
  • Mechthild Wörsdörfer, Director, European Commission’s Directorate General for Energy, in charge of renewables, research and innovation, energy efficiency
  • A representative from the Bulgarian Presidency (tbc)
  • Claire Roumet, Director, Energy Cities
  • Jan Ole VOSS, European Renewable Energies Federation (EREF)