Press release: Global warming – ways to prevent

July 16, 2018 in Brussels Press Club (Brussels, Belgium), the Eastern European Association of the Greens discussed an important topic: “Global warming – ways to prevent.”

Participants of the round table analyzed the problem of climate change on Earth and, in particular, in Europe. Thus, during the discussion, experts noted that since the beginning of the 20th century, the average temperature of the Earth’s climate system has increased by about 0.74 ° C, while about 2/3 of increase fall on the last decades, namely, after 1980. Each of the last three decades was warmer than the previous one.

At the same time, participants noted that it is the countries of Europe that are the most active in raising the topic of climate change and are trying in every possible way to reduce the impact of global warming to the planet. However, alternative energy sources does not cover the needs of Europe and the world as a whole. So, the data of the European Commission, in 2016 indicate that the EU countries have increased carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere by 0.2%. Now compared to 2016 carbon emissions in the EU increased by 1.8%.

During the discussion speakers named the most damaging causes of global warming. So, according to ecologists, it is the anthropogenic factors that most influence climate change. As Anastasia Soyluoglu researcher, KULeuven, noted, the main sources of carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere are still enterprises operating on traditional energy sources, including coal. At the same time, the countries of Eastern Europe were unable to meet the standards of the green economy because of the low level of technological development.

A number of studies and analyzes, according to Ekaterina Tsaranok, Founder and Director, Modern Education & Research Institute, say that if concrete measures are not taken in the near future to prevent the release of carbon dioxide, the temperature by the end of the 21st century can grow by an average 2 degrees

“According to United Nations, in the next 100 years the average global temperature may increase at least 6 ° C. For Europe, this means an increase in frequency of storms, extinction of mammals, more frosty winter months, and incredibly hot summer – the last we have seen for several years. In addition, the number of migrants to the EU will grow significantly – and this is also the effect of global warming “- she says.

Also, the participants of the round table discussed ways and methods of solving the problem. According to Algirdas Yurgelevicius, the Vice-President of EEAG, among the most effective are refusal and / or minimization of the extraction and use of coal, oil and natural gas.

At the same time, experts focused on international regulation of the problem of global warming. In particular, on the implementation of the Paris Agreement, which developed an action plan aimed at improving the situation. According to the agreement, the participating countries advocated a complete refusal to use coal as an energy source until 2050 to slow the global warming process and come to a natural temperature increase of no more than a half degree. But the agreement has its drawbacks – the lack of mechanisms for punishment for non-fulfillment of its conditions.

In concluding remarks experts noted that the process of climate change can still be slowed down. For this, participants of the round table believe, it is necessary to reach a consensus at all levels and consolidation of efforts between politicians, business, “green” movements and individuals. But, first of all, everyone should start with himself. Each person in a domestic environment can do simple but very important actions: minimize the use of gas and electricity, use electric vehicles, become a follower of reasonable consumption in everything.