A new dangerous consequence of global warming was found

Scientists at the University of Rutgers in the United States found that the increase in the temperature of the oceans, due to climate change, leads to a significant decline in the fisheries sector, which is exacerbated by excess seafood.

Climate change is leading to a significant decline in the fisheries sector, which is exacerbated by excessive seafood production. It is reported in the press release on Phys.org.

The researchers studied the effect of the warming of the oceans on 235 populations of 124 species of marine animals living in 38 ecological regions of our planet. Organisms included fish, crustaceans, such as shrimp, shellfish, including sea scallops. Scientists have united data on fishing with sea water temperature maps to estimate the loss in seafood production.

According to calculations, warming in the oceans has already contributed to a 4.1 percent reduction in the catch of many species of fish and shellfish from 1930 to 2010. In five regions of the world, including East China and the North Sea, the fall was from 15 to 35 percent. Also, the water off the coast of the Iberian Peninsula, the flow of Kuroscio in the Pacific Ocean and the Bay of Biscay were the most vulnerable.

According to the researchers, excessive catching of marine animals increases the negative impact of warming on fishing, and further climate change will impede efforts to restore depleted populations.