Press release: The inevitability of global warming. Single option is fixation on clean energy sources

12 years is before the world disaster. That’s how much time is left to stop global warming. This is the conclusion reached by the authors of the Special Report on Global Warming at 1.5° C of the United Nations International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Eastern European Association of the Greens hold a round table on 15th of November in Vilnius, Lithuania in order to discuss the forecasts of the UN and express organization’s opinion how to get away from these scenarios.

The UN report reports that global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions should be reduced by almost 45% by 2030 compared to 2010 levels (FP15C1). By 2050, net zero carbon dioxide emissions should be achieved. This means that all remaining emissions must be balanced by removing CO2 from the atmosphere and switching to «clean» energy sources. Forecasts of climate scientists cannot be called simply «disappointing», the conclusions literally take on the character of the phrase «between life and death.» In other words, the stories of Hollywood disaster films may soon become a terrifying reality. This was exactly the rhetoric of the speakers, who presented a report on October 8 at a meeting of the organization in South Korea.

«Eastern European Association of the Greens rose the question of global warming and clear sources of energy use many times. Now it is not even the question of discussion, today it is the inevitable necessity. We have to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 to 45% and to 0% by 2050. How to achieve this? It is clear that we must refuse coal use to receive energy. Here, scientists agree in their opinion – an urgent, albeit expensive, transition to alternative sources of heat.  It is necessary to radically change all spheres of public life. It will be necessary to improve the areas of energy, transport, more efficient use of land and natural resources.» – told Sergey Topchii, the member of Eastern European Association of the Greens.

Now the role of solar panels and wind stations are important as never before. However, according to many climatologists and scientists of the same energy of wind and sun, it is not enough to achieve the goals set to stop global warming. Since in this catastrophic situation, the amount of carbon emitted into the atmosphere, rather than the amount of new technologies, comes out on top. That is why, against this background, renewable energy is hardly an alternative. Despite the growth of investment, its share no more than 3%.

Scientists noted the categorical need to use the atomic potential of states as one of the main factors for an effective global response. In other words, at the first critical and subsequent stages of combating climate change, the introduction and strengthening of proven technologies will be required. This includes both existing nuclear facilities and new developments.

«After the UN report, nuclear power must again be viewed in a more positive way. Indeed, in addition to environmental, price and industrial issues, nuclear energy, as before, remains one of the safest in the world. At the same time, the subsequent progress in the field of nuclear technology will provide an opportunity to get rid of the prejudices regarding nuclear energy and the fears that still accompany the issue of the disposal of nuclear waste.» – told Eugeny Shutko, member of Eastern European Association of the Greens.

It is necessary to be prepared for the fact that, due to the circumstances, the next couple of decades will be key to saving the planet from the effects of global warming. And it is important that this information be fully conveyed to each person, regardless of his sphere of influence on the environment. Right now is the very time when disputes between “greens” and nuclear scientists, politicians and businessmen, atheists and believers on the subject of the influence of global warming should stop.

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