Brazil cancelled to host Latin American climate week

Brazil’s ministry of environment, being under pressure from a key political ally, announced that it would host the UN’s Latin America and the Caribbean Climate Week in Salvador in August.

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European Court rejected a lawsuit on climate issue

The European General Court threw out a lawsuit, where plaintiffs argued that EU climate goals threaten their human rights.

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IAEA Launches Project to Help Countries Fight Food Fraud

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has launched a five-year research project with experts from 16 countries to refine methods to apply nuclear-derived techniques to test for accuracy in food labels.

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Ecology activist Greta Thunberg is on the cover of Time

The most famous and influential climate-activist has been named as one of the ‘next generation leaders’
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Using Nuclear Science to Better Understand Drought

In 2018, Cape Town was close to becoming the first major city in the world to run out of water. South African experts are using isotopic techniques to understand water resources and try to avoid another drought.

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Greenpeace activists block British Petroleum headquarters in London

Activists from Greenpeace have blockaded all entrances to the BP headquarters in London with demands to make an end to all new oil and gas exploration.

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IAEA and Cuba Reaffirm Commitment to Strengthened Technical Cooperation

Positive results achieved in IAEA technical cooperation projects and Cuba’s commitment to cooperation with other countries in the region in the peaceful use of nuclear technologies were the main topics discussed during IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano’s visit to Cuba on Friday.

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New York’s activists rejected natural gas pipeline

The New York Times posted that Environmental regulatory body of the city of New York rejected a natural gas pipeline this Wednesday.

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Understanding the World’s Water Resources: IAEA International Symposium on Isotope Hydrology to Start Next Week

Water is a precious resource upon which life on earth depends. It is important to know how much of it there is, where it is found and how long supplies will last. The IAEA supports national experts in this quest by promoting the use of isotopic techniques and transferring scientific know-how.

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Carbon Dioxide reached the record-breaking levels not seen in at least 800,000 years

On May 11, the researchers from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii declared that the levels of the greenhouse gas reached 415 parts per million (ppm). They have been measuring atmospheric carbon dioxide levels since 1958. With the help of other kinds of analysis, such as those done on ancient air bubbles trapped in ice cores, scientists have data on levels reaching back 800,000 years.

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