Safety Remains Key to Long Term Operation of Armenia’s Nuclear Power Plant

The IAEA will continue its cooperation with Armenia to ensure the highest safety standards at the Armenian Nuclear Power Plant (ANPP), IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano said in Yerevan, Armenia yesterday.

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Scientists found cocaine in UK river shrimps

During the river water test for chemicals scientists found cocaine in freshwater shrimps.

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Looking for More: IAEA and National Experts Discuss Security of Radioactive Sources

How the IAEA can best assist national authorities worldwide in their efforts to manage radioactive sources after their useful life and to search, find and secure “orphan” sources was high on the agenda of the Working Group on Radioactive Source Security this month.

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Integrated Research Reactor Utilization Review Mission Concludes in Italy

A team of four international experts, including from the IAEA, completed a review mission at Italy’s University of Pavia earlier this month to assist the operators of the university’s research reactor in improving the utilization and sustainable operation of their facilities.

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Climate change has already changed the water quality

This week three Carnegie ecologists published a study, where they outlined that changes in temperature and precipitation have already impacted the amount of nitrogen introduced into U.S. waterways.

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New York City and Washington state announced green goals to reach by 2030

Governments of Washington and New York city announced on Monday they will run completely on carbon neutral power by 2030.

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The Green New Deal – the last ecological chance for the USA

From the time Donald Trump became a president of the USA, he abolished all Obamas environmental projects and declared open support for fossil fuel economy. In two years the ecological situation has gone so devastating that it requires a resolute plan like a New Deal, presented and imposed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to combat the Great Depression. As a reflection, a Great New Deal brings strict solutions how to help the USA to tackle climate change.

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Population of Green sea turtles is increasing in Pacific coral reefs

Number of green turtles is increasing in Pacific coral reefs, due to the first comprehensive in-water survey of turtle populations in the Pacific. Sarah Becker of the Monterey Bay Aquarium in California and colleagues publishes the study on April 24 .

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The UK made a coal-free record on weekend

The longest continuous period without generating electricity from coal came on Easter weekend and became a record in Britain..

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Renewable energy is not so green as it looks like

Scientists state on the fact that if we want to keep global temperature rise below 1.5 degrees Celsius, we’ll need to rely on renewable energy, electric vehicles (EV) and battery storage. But creating that infrastructure will dramatically increase our need for metals like cobalt and lithium. A recent report, released this week by the Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology, Sydney, cautions that a spike in demand for those and other metals could drain the planet’s reserves and lead to dire social and environmental consequences.

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