Mice give predators the cold shoulder

Starve or be eaten? For small animals, this challenge must be faced every day. Searching for food is a risky business, and small animals must balance their need to eat as much as possible against the risk of being eaten themselves. New research from Western Sydney University shows how mice, and likely other small prey, resolve this problem with the help of an energy-saving mechanism known as torpor.

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Indonesia tsunami: How a volcano can be the trigger

Nobody had any clue. There was certainly no warning. It’s part of the picture that now suggests a sudden failure in the west-southwest flank of the Anak Krakatau volcano was a significant cause of Saturday’s devastating tsunami in the Sunda Strait.

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Recycling: Where is the plastic waste mountain?

A year ago, experts warned that the UK could face a mountain of waste plastic as China imposed a ban on waste imports.

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World’s coffee under threat, say experts

The first full assessment of risks to the world’s coffee plants shows that 60% of 124 known species are on the edge of extinction.

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Yellowstone streams recovering thanks to wolf reintroduction

In the first study of its kind, research by Oregon State University scientists shows that the return of large terrestrial carnivores can lead to improved stream structure and function.

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Biodiversity for the birds

Human-dominated landscapes are one of the most rapidly expanding and least-understood ecosystems on Earth. Historically, in urban areas, landowners convert native plant communities into habitats dominated by non-native species. While less susceptible to pest damage and demanding less maintenance, non-native plants are extremely poor at supporting insects — critical food for higher order consumers like birds.

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Round table The inevitability of global warming. Single option is fixation on clean energy sources

12 years is before the world disaster. That’s how much time is left to stop global warming.

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Ecological condition in Lithuania

2018 September 29 A.Jurgelevičius, EEAG Vice-president participated in a meeting organized by Lithuanian ecology and waste association, which discussed the most relevant ecological problems in Lithuania.

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Eastern European Association of the Greens activists cleaned the park in Kiev

This weekend EEAG activists made surroundings in Kiev, Ukraine, a bit cleaner. They cleared Goloseevsky Park from plastic and other garbage left by park visitors.

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