How Can Nuclear Science Help Criminal Investigations?

Criminals may try to cover, clean or conceal evidence. But traces of it will always be left behind. The science of studying atoms is gaining ground in the world of forensics. X-rays, neutrons and ions offer advantages over conventional methods. They can analyse one particle among millions and pinpoint origin with great accuracy while leaving crucial evidence intact.

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13 Shocking Effects of Pollution

13 Very important and terrible effects of the pollution that us humans are creating from trash harming animals to noise pollution

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Air pollution in Europe

France, Italy, the United Kingdom, Spain or Bosnia-Herzegovina…. All these countries, whether big or small, are being threatened with the same problem: air pollution. According to the World Health Organisation, this is now the environmental factor causing the greatest concern for our health. The European Environment Agency states that around 90% of the urban population in Europe is exposed to pollutants which are considered to be harmful.

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Water pollution

Water pollution has become an increasing problem on our earth which is affecting the human and animal lives. It occurs when chemicals, waste or other particles cause a body of water to become harmful for everybody. Water Pollution is the contamination of water bodies like rivers, lakes, oceans, groundwater and aquifers; generally as a result of human activities. Let’s Learn the Causes, Effects and Ways to Stop Water Pollution.

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Causes and effects of water pollution

Water is a  basic resource that  guarantees the life of all living beings on the planet. However, its scarcity and pollution cause millions of people to have poor access to this much-needed asset. Although there are processes such as water treatment or desalination that facilitate its treatment, use and consumption in areas with quality or supply problems, it is first necessary to avoid its contamination. In this video we show you what are the main causes of water pollution, as well as its effects.

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Air Pollution 101

What is air pollution? Learn how greenhouse gasses, smog, and toxic pollutants effect climate change, and human health

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Gas Turbine Engine, How it Works ?

This video lecture describes working of gas turbines in a conceptual way. Here we will go through how gas turbines produce propulsive power in a jet engine aircraft, by executing Brayton cycle.

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How do Wind Turbines work ?

Working of a wind turbine is illustrated in this video with the help of animation. The topic covered are blade design, use of brake, velocity sensor, yawing mechanism, blade tilting, wind turbine efficiency and Betz’s limit.

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How does a Thermal power plant work ?

The operation of a thermal power plant is explained in a logical manner with help of animation in this video. Starting from the very basic question a conceptual overview of Rankine cycle is provided here. Topics such a Generator, Steam turbine, condenser, feed water pump, boiler are illustrated initially. The basic Rankine cycle is modified and use of super hearing, reheating and feed water heating (deaerator) is explained there after.

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