Melting record: in Greenland 2 billion tons of ice melted in a day

Steffen M. Olsen, danish climatologist, went on June 13 on a routine mission through the Inglefield Gulf in northwest Greenland. To his surprise, when he set out with his dog sled, he figured out that the ice sheet was under the water.

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Factories in China release tonnes of ozone-depleting gases

Factories in north-eastern China released great amount of an ozone-depleting gas into the atmosphere, violating an international law.

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Machines come to monitor biodiversity with sound

Well-known fact that ecologists used to rely on their senses for a long time in recording animal populations and species diversity. But modern programmable sound recording devices propose the better option for logging animal vocalisations.

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Parents in Europe fight for their children to have clean air

In March 2018, a group of Belgian parents made a few steps for their kids to have the possibility to respire clean air. Instead of going for coffee on a Friday morning, they closed the road outside their children’s school. They named their movement Filter-Café-Filtre.

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Worlds rivers are full of drugs

The largest global study revealed that the hundreds of rivers around the world from the Thames to the Tigris are full of dangerously high levels of antibiotics.

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Crime Fighting and Forensics with Accelerators: IAEA/ICTP Workshop Concludes

Whether it’s for solving a crime or preventing one, high energy particles can be used to help uncover forensic evidence that other methods alone may miss or aren’t able to detect. While these analytical techniques are common in materials research, they only recently started gaining ground in criminal investigations. To help pave the way for their wider use, a workshop on enhancing accelerator-based analytical techniques for forensic science was recently organized by the IAEA in partnership with the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) and held in Trieste, Italy.

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FDA reports about high level of chemicals in seafood, meats and chocolate cake in US stores

High levels of chemicals, which lead to health problems, have been found in seafood, meats and chocolate cake in US stores, reports the Food and Drug Administration.

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Morocco Sets up Pest Surveillance Network in Preparation for the Suppression of the Mediterranean Fruit Fly

The cultivation and export of citrus plays a significant role in Morocco’s economy: it employs more than 13 000 farmers and farm workers and produces exports of US $300 million per year. The continued growth and success of this industry has been threatened by the presence of a pest species: the Mediterranean fruit fly, sometimes referred to as the ‘medfly.’

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Conscious fashion

Natural fur and leather are gradually losing ground in the market – consumers are becoming more and more interested in what their clothes are made of and what damage to nature caused their production. Clothing manufacturers have to change radically due to these ideas, otherwise they will lose customers and profits.

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Scientists propose to produce CO2 from the atmosphere in order to save the Earth

Researchers offer to create millions of artificial islands in the oceans, what will clean the air.

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