100% green energy is possible before 2050, according to Finnish uni study

A complete shift to the only use of renewable energy sources is not only possible but also cheaper and safer than reliance on fossil fuels and nuclear energy, according to a new study from the Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) and the Energy Watch Group (EWG) from Germany.

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Norway’s oil fund – the world largest sovereign wealth fund – goes green

Norway’s $1 tn oil fund is going to invest billions of dollars into wind and solar power projects. The decision came after Saudi Arabia’s oil fund selling off its last oil and gas assets.

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European scientists are going to drill the Antarctica ice

A group of European researchers will go to Antarctica in December to begin the process of drilling deep into the continent’s eastern ice sheet.

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To drive or Not to Drive: How the EU countries choose between mobility and ecology

The European countries have realized long ago that climate change is not just a form of a words, but a great challenge to our generation. Much more faster than other world Europe provides green policy to tackle global warming. An essential and effective part in green solutions play the decision to limit emissions of pollutants from cars, vans and trucks, imposing different types of emissions zones in big cities.

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Amazon is going to power its data centers only with green energy

This week Amazon.com has declared that they are launching three new renewable energy projects in Ireland, Sweden and the US as part of its long-term goal to power all Amazon Web Services (AWS) data centers with 100% renewable energy.

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To stop global warming will be cheaper than expected

Researchers from The International Renewable Energy Agency have revised its forecast for the cost of curbing global warming due to the less price of renewables.

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Global warming makes Earth’s glaciers melt much faster than scientists thought

The world’s glaciers are shrinking much faster than scientists thought. A new study shows glaciers are losing 369 billion tons of snow and ice each year, more than half of that in North America.

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From the Netherlands to Sydney on electric car

A Dutchman Wiebe Wakker has claimed the world’s longest electric car journey after driving almost 60,000 miles from the Netherlands to Sydney.

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Slovakian president-elect will promote green policy

The first female president in the history of Slovakia is going to challenge long-standing industrial interests and the financing of coal mining after the election victory on Saturday.

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Europe’s non-plastic path

More than fifty years ago Neil Armstrong made fundamental and outstanding discovery and resumed it it one famous quote: “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind”. The similar responds to european endevour on the path to clean and green future. Step by step Europe approaches itself to more nature and organic living.

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