Pesticides have influence on bee development and longevity

A new study results show that ground-nesting bees might be exposed to pesticides in more ways than we thought, and it could impact their development seriously.

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California might be inhabited by Grizzly Bears

Scientists say the bears might return to the West Coast — if the region can bear it.

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Drought-tolerant Crops to Contribute to Food Security in Namibia

Farmers in Namibia now have new crop varieties of cowpea and sorghum that are more tolerant to drought and pests planted this year, thanks to nuclear technology provided with the support of the IAEA and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). 

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Air pollution kills 9 million people per year

European Heart Journal published a study claiming that air pollution causes 800,000 deaths in Europe and 9 million worldwide each year, which is double previous estimates.

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Loss of great white sharks leads to ecosystem changes

University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science published a new study, documenting unexpected consequences following the loss of great white sharks from an area off South Africa. The study revealed that the disappearance of great whites has led to the emergence of sevengill sharks, a top predator from a different habitat. A living fossil, sevengill sharks closely resemble relatives from the Jurassic period, unique for having seven gills instead of the typical five in most other sharks.

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Putin issued a decree on Russian chemical and biological security

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the fundamentals of state policy in chemical and biological security.

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Guyana Plans to Increase Access to Cancer Services, in Line with IAEA Recommendations

The IAEA, in collaboration with the Pan American Health Organization and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), recently sent a team of experts to conduct a cancer control situation analysis in Guyana, following the country’s request for support as it faces an increasing number of cancer cases.

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UN pushes on green tech solutions

On 9th of March the UN published a press release, where the organization, tech giants, and the policy, finance and science communities announced to team up to launch major new pushes on using cutting-edge technology to create cleaner, greener and more efficient solutions to sustainable development.

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Climate change march in the Netherlands

On Sunday around tens of thousands of protesters went on streets in Amsterdam , calling the government to take stronger action against climate change.

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Nuclear Medicine, Radiation Oncology Get Major Uplift in Bangladesh

Over 500 more patients a year will now be able to get vital medical examines thanks to a new nuclear imaging machine now up and running in Bangladesh through IAEA support. The machine is an essential tool for advanced nuclear medicine diagnosis of health conditions, such as cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

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