Аналитическое исследование: Техногенные риски при эксплуатации и строительстве промышленных объектов в Европе.

Экономическое развитие всегда было связано с риском, порожденным не только опасными природными явлениями и процессами, но и хозяйственной деятельностью человека. В то же время, последствия так называемых “рукотворных бедствий” (man-made disasters) ограничивались хозяйственными системами отдельных регионов (районов) той или иной страны, а в исключительных и крайне редких случаях – национальной экономикой.

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Climate warming causes local extinction of Rocky Mountain wildflower species

New CU Boulder-led research has established a causal link between climate warming and the localized extinction of a common Rocky Mountain flowering plant, a result that could serve as a herald of future population declines.

The new study, which was published today in the journal Science Advances, found that warmer, drier conditions in line with future climate predictions decimated experimental populations of Androsace septentrionalis (Northern rock jasmine), a mountain wildflower found at elevations ranging from around 6,000 feet in Colorado’s foothills to over 14,000 feet at the top of Mt. Elbert.

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Energy Atlas 2018 – Facts and figures about renewables in Europe

Europe is coming from a past with fossil fuel driven, environmentally harmful and monopolized energy supply and is heading towards a future of a democratic, decentralized and climate-friendly energy system.

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Unprecedented wave of large-mammal extinctions linked to ancient humans

Homo sapiens, Neanderthals and other recent human relatives may have begun hunting large mammal species down to size — by way of extinction — at least 90,000 years earlier than previously thought, says a new study published in the journal Science.

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Round table «Technogenic risks in operation and construction of industrial facilities in Europe

We are pleased to invite you to join the discussion on important issue of industrial man-made accidents, their causes and consequences, issues of minimizing and preventing.

Eastern European Association of the Greens held an opinion poll among experts in chemical, oil refining, coal and nuclear industries, as well as environmental experts, and prepared an analytical study «Technogenic risks in operation and construction of industrial facilities in Europe.  Issues of minimizing risks and preventing major accidents», which will be presented and discussed at the event.

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Circular Economy – making the most of waste

The circular economy means that we need to change our thinking from the ‘buy-use-throw away’ model to a more sustainable culture. The life cycle of a product needs to be planned from the manufacturing until the end of its use, and products should to stay in circulation rather than thrown away. Waste management is naturally a very important part of the circular economy.
The European Parliament has just approved the so-called Waste Package at its plenary in Strasbourg. “With the new targets for recycling and landfilling, we have clearly pointed the way to the future: our raw materials must be kept in circulation”, said the EPP Group negotiator for the Waste Package, Karl-Heinz Florenz MEP.

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Can You Contribute to Our Industry Research?

By confessing the principle “Our planet is our home,” we are responsible for keeping it as safe and sound as possible. Our mission is:
– ecological education;
– increasing the responsibility of representatives of business and government bodies for the consequences of civilization impact on the environment;
– participation in development of legal and ethical norms, which in the future will become the basis and motivation for actions of states, business and society as a whole to create an environmentally safe world.

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Lithuanian lakes requests chemical cleaning

The Lithuanian Ministry of the Environment is analyzing the possibility of lakes chemical cleaning in Lithuania. Although the program has been drafted for a long time, it could not be realized, as funding for the cleaning of water bodies was completed by the end of 2013, and the new funding stage has not yet started. The Ministry of the Environment proposes a method of chemical disposing of waste in lakes as the only one, because it is about 10 times cheaper than mechanical cleaning.

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Grass fires in Lithuania

In the spring of this year, firefighters in the whole Lithuania have to spend hours and days on the burned grasslands. Although the winter is still not over, it has already begun, as every spring, the natural pain caused by human hands – grass fires. This year 175 fires have been recorded  . About 120 hectares of grass have been burnt. Most grass fires occurred in Vilnius County.

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What happens when AI meets robotics?

Researchers in Texas are developing robots that have minds of their own.

The scientists are creating systems that can learn for themselves and be able to operate in the home, the workplace and even on the sports field.

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