Scientists propose to produce CO2 from the atmosphere in order to save the Earth

Researchers offer to create millions of artificial islands in the oceans, what will clean the air.

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Human civilization can come to an end by 2050

The new analysis indicates the fast consequences of climate change if people does not radically take action and reduce the pollution.

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Climate change affects human health seriously and it will get worse in future

Experts claim that effects include spread of diseases and worse mental health.

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Banana leaves as a substitute for plastic

Asia is playing an active part in saving the planet, and have recently presented a natural alternative to plastic packaging—banana leaves.

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Native species are at greater risk of extinction than non-natives due to the climate change

Looking how spring advances across the Midwest, scientists came to conclusion that non-native plants might outlast native plants in the region for the reason of climate change.

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Garbage of contention

Even 10 years ago no one could have imagined that garbage may be a reason for a diplomatic scandal. But now in a world of climate change urgency this looks like real. The story of 6 years negotiations, discussions, and threats over litter between Philippines and Canada has finally resolved in peaceful way this week.

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Climate change forces plankton to move

A recent study shows that climate change has upset the distribution of the smallest sea creatures across the globe. The researchers indicate that this shift could affect nearly all of marine life.

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Merkel wants to make Germany carbon-free by 2050

On Tuesday this week Angela Merkel announced she would consult her new government on how to attain carbon neutrality by 2050.

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European Court rejected a lawsuit on climate issue

The European General Court threw out a lawsuit, where plaintiffs argued that EU climate goals threaten their human rights.

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Greenpeace activists block British Petroleum headquarters in London

Activists from Greenpeace have blockaded all entrances to the BP headquarters in London with demands to make an end to all new oil and gas exploration.

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