New York’s activists rejected natural gas pipeline

The New York Times posted that Environmental regulatory body of the city of New York rejected a natural gas pipeline this Wednesday.

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Carbon Dioxide reached the record-breaking levels not seen in at least 800,000 years

On May 11, the researchers from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii declared that the levels of the greenhouse gas reached 415 parts per million (ppm). They have been measuring atmospheric carbon dioxide levels since 1958. With the help of other kinds of analysis, such as those done on ancient air bubbles trapped in ice cores, scientists have data on levels reaching back 800,000 years.

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Mexico City declared an environmental emergency

Yesterday authorities in Mexico City declared an environmental emergency. The reason is that the smoke from wildfires caused air pollution reached levels that are well above safe.

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USA is a leader of climate change denial

International polling reveled a fact that a significant number of Americans do not believe human-driven climate change making the US a hotbed of climate science denial .

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Are Species close to extinction?

This Monday the world were hit not only by usual political end economical news but also by huge ecological piece – shocking UN report on species and human future. 

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Climate change helps to spread bananas infection

Researchers have recently discovered that climate change is aiding the spread of a fungal plant disease from Asia, across banana-growing areas of Latin America and the Caribbean.

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Scientists are calling to declare an ecological emergency

Environmental researchers, lobbyists and scientists are calling on world leaders to face the annihilation of wildlife and plants as a global emergency, after the UN experts sound the alarm in a new shocking report.

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Europe plans to limit shipping speed to tackle climate change

This week at the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) meeting the EU countries are discussing the best way to cut shipping emissions.

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Oceans can be transformed into aquatic desserts because of the overfishing

Researchers alarms that people’s enormous appetite for fish leads to transforming much of the world’s oceans into aquatic desert.

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Extinction Rebellion (aka XR) international movement continues its non-violent actions in different countries to lure worlds attention to climate change and extinction of species, despite arrests and indifference of governments.

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