Strengthening International Standards for Nuclear Safety: IAEA Safety Publications Restructured

Achieving high levels of safety in the many areas in which countries use nuclear technologies requires a robust and comprehensive international safety framework. The IAEA this year completed a structural revision that has further strengthened the IAEA safety standards, a series of publications which outline the international consensus recommendations for protecting people and the environment from the harmful effects of ionizing radiation.

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Interactive program: Lets Go Climate!

Eastern European Association of the Greens announce and invite students to a series of educational lectures with interactive program. The topic of lectures – Climate change, Green and Clean future of our Planet.

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As China option fades, Bill Gates urges U.S. to take the lead in nuclear power, for the good of the planet

In his year-end letter, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates says his to-do list for 2019 includes persuading U.S. leaders to regain America’s leading role in nuclear energy research and embrace advanced nuclear technologies such as the concept being advanced by his own TerraPower venture.

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Press release: The inevitability of global warming. Single option is fixation on clean energy sources

12 years is before the world disaster. That’s how much time is left to stop global warming. This is the conclusion reached by the authors of the Special Report on Global Warming at 1.5° C of the United Nations International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Eastern European Association of the Greens hold a round table on 15th of November in Vilnius, Lithuania in order to discuss the forecasts of the UN and express organization’s opinion how to get away from these scenarios.

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Round table The inevitability of global warming. Single option is fixation on clean energy sources

12 years is before the world disaster. That’s how much time is left to stop global warming.

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Ecological condition in Lithuania

2018 September 29 A.Jurgelevičius, EEAG Vice-president participated in a meeting organized by Lithuanian ecology and waste association, which discussed the most relevant ecological problems in Lithuania.

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Eastern European Association of the Greens activists cleaned the park in Kiev

This weekend EEAG activists made surroundings in Kiev, Ukraine, a bit cleaner. They cleared Goloseevsky Park from plastic and other garbage left by park visitors.

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What are Fossil Fuels?

Fossil fuel is a term used to refer to hydrocarbons contained in natural resources. It is a general term used for combustible geological deposits of organic matter formed from decayed plant and animal remains. These dead organisms contain energy forged through original photosynthesis from plants. They get converted to various fossil fuelswhich are formed by exposure to heat and pressure in the earth’s crust over millions of years.

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What is Open Burning?

Open burning is the burning of unwanted material in the open air where smoke and toxic fumes are released into the atmosphere directly, therefore, affecting the environment. Often, the practice is done outdoors where house hold waste materials are burnt as a means of waste disposal, away from an incinerator or a furnace chamber. The lack of a chimney or stack predisposes the atmosphere to more air pollution from the open burning.

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