The proposed new investment facility is green bonds

The Lithuanian Ministry of Finance intends to distribute the green bonds issue for the first time in the domestic market. The funds would be used for renovation projects of apartment buildings. “We have the intention to try to spread the issue of green bonds on the domestic market. This is a new initiative by the Ministry, we have not done so yet, and if approved by the Government, we will try to develop it” – said A.Želionis, the representative of the Ministry of Finance. According to him, recently green bonds in Europe are becoming more and more widely used.

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Eastern European Greens Call For New Legislation To Prevent Man-Made Disasters

Industry-induced man-made disasters have increased in frequency and consequence over the last 30 years and are now comparable to natural disasters, according to a new study by the Eastern European Association of the Greens (EEAG).

Although human economic activity has always been associated with risk, the damage caused by man-made disasters has increased by almost three fold with considerable cost in human life, long term environmental damage, and a financial cost estimated at a staggering $200 billion per year globally.

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Ocean plastic predicted to triple within a decade

Without intervention soon, the amount of plastic littering the world’s oceans is expected to triple within a decade, a new UK government report warns.

The “Foresight Future of the Sea” report from the UK Government Office for Science said our oceans have seen “unprecedented change as a result of direct human activity and climate change.”

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Meeting with Chairman of Lithuanian Green Party

April,13, 2018 Algirdas Jurgelevicius, Vice-President of the Eastern European Association of the Greens, met with the member of Parlament of the Republic of Lithuania, chairman of the Lithuanian Green Party Linas Balsys.

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Press release – Technogenic risks in operation and construction of industrial facilities in Europe.

On April 24, 2018, at Press Club Brussels (Brussels, Belgium), Eastern European Association of the Greens presented and discussed the analytical study on the topic: “Technogenic risks in operation and construction of industrial facilities in Europe. Issues of minimizing risks and preventing major accidents”. The members of the EEAG took part in the discussion together with Ekaterina Tsaranok, Founder and Director of Modern Education and Research Institute, Gary Cartwright, Founder and Journalist of EU Today, James Wilson, Founder and Director of the Belarus EU Business Council. In the study security situation in the coal, oil, chemical and nuclear power industries was examined and compared.

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Analytical study: Technogenic risks in operation and construction of industrial facilities in Europe.

Economic development has always been associated with the risk generated not only by dangerous natural phenomena and processes, but also by human economic activity. At the same time, the consequences of the so-called “man-made disasters” were limited to the economic systems of individual regions (areas) of a particular country, and in exceptional and exceedingly rare cases – to the national economy.

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Аналитическое исследование: Техногенные риски при эксплуатации и строительстве промышленных объектов в Европе.

Экономическое развитие всегда было связано с риском, порожденным не только опасными природными явлениями и процессами, но и хозяйственной деятельностью человека. В то же время, последствия так называемых “рукотворных бедствий” (man-made disasters) ограничивались хозяйственными системами отдельных регионов (районов) той или иной страны, а в исключительных и крайне редких случаях – национальной экономикой.

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Energy Atlas 2018 – Facts and figures about renewables in Europe

Europe is coming from a past with fossil fuel driven, environmentally harmful and monopolized energy supply and is heading towards a future of a democratic, decentralized and climate-friendly energy system.

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Round table «Technogenic risks in operation and construction of industrial facilities in Europe

We are pleased to invite you to join the discussion on important issue of industrial man-made accidents, their causes and consequences, issues of minimizing and preventing.

Eastern European Association of the Greens held an opinion poll among experts in chemical, oil refining, coal and nuclear industries, as well as environmental experts, and prepared an analytical study «Technogenic risks in operation and construction of industrial facilities in Europe.  Issues of minimizing risks and preventing major accidents», which will be presented and discussed at the event.

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Can You Contribute to Our Industry Research?

By confessing the principle “Our planet is our home,” we are responsible for keeping it as safe and sound as possible. Our mission is:
– ecological education;
– increasing the responsibility of representatives of business and government bodies for the consequences of civilization impact on the environment;
– participation in development of legal and ethical norms, which in the future will become the basis and motivation for actions of states, business and society as a whole to create an environmentally safe world.

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