Unknown threat of rapid permafrost thaw

According to a new report, led by University of Guelph scientist Merritt Turetsky, a “sleeping giant” hidden in permafrost soils in Canada and other northern regions worldwide undoubtedly will have important consequences for climate change.

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NASA: Arctic warming is underestimated

According to a new NASA study, the Arctic is warming faster than it was thought previously.

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European scientists are going to drill the Antarctica ice

A group of European researchers will go to Antarctica in December to begin the process of drilling deep into the continent’s eastern ice sheet.

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To stop global warming will be cheaper than expected

Researchers from The International Renewable Energy Agency have revised its forecast for the cost of curbing global warming due to the less price of renewables.

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Global warming makes Earth’s glaciers melt much faster than scientists thought

The world’s glaciers are shrinking much faster than scientists thought. A new study shows glaciers are losing 369 billion tons of snow and ice each year, more than half of that in North America.

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NASA warns that warmer seas lead to more often extreme rains

A new study of National Aeronautics and Space Administration points out that warming of the tropical oceans because of climate change could lead to a profound increase in the frequency of extreme rain storms by the end of the century.

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Climate change causes spring to start sooner, what could see food prices increase and insect populations decrease

Researchers are afraid that climate shift could have more dangerous effects for farming and other industries in the natural world.

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Global warming is killing dolphins

Dolphins are in danger as temperatures rise with global warming. Since a heat wave struck the waters of Western Australia in 2011, researchers noticed that warmer ocean temperatures caused fewer dolphin births and decreased the animal’s survival rate.

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A new dangerous consequence of global warming was found

Scientists at the University of Rutgers in the United States found that the increase in the temperature of the oceans, due to climate change, leads to a significant decline in the fisheries sector, which is exacerbated by excess seafood.

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The Arctic Ocean can completely melt in 20 years

The main reason for the current melting of the Arctic Ocean is the human-induced global warming. Under the influence of heating the Pacific Ocean, the Arctic can completely melt in the summer much earlier than it was thought up to this day.

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