Press release: The inevitability of global warming. Single option is fixation on clean energy sources

12 years is before the world disaster. That’s how much time is left to stop global warming. This is the conclusion reached by the authors of the Special Report on Global Warming at 1.5° C of the United Nations International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Eastern European Association of the Greens hold a round table on 15th of November in Vilnius, Lithuania in order to discuss the forecasts of the UN and express organization’s opinion how to get away from these scenarios.

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Round table The inevitability of global warming. Single option is fixation on clean energy sources

12 years is before the world disaster. That’s how much time is left to stop global warming.

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Press release: Global warming – ways to prevent

July 16, 2018 in Brussels Press Club (Brussels, Belgium), the Eastern European Association of the Greens discussed an important topic: “Global warming – ways to prevent.”

Participants of the round table analyzed the problem of climate change on Earth and, in particular, in Europe. Thus, during the discussion, experts noted that since the beginning of the 20th century, the average temperature of the Earth’s climate system has increased by about 0.74 ° C, while about 2/3 of increase fall on the last decades, namely, after 1980. Each of the last three decades was warmer than the previous one.

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Invitation Discussion «Global Warming – Ways to Prevent»

Eastern European Association of the Greens invites you to join a discussion on the issue that became the most important theme of the current millennium – global warming.

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Ways and methods of global warming preventing

Climate change affects all aspects of our lives. If we do not want a fatal outcome, we must fight against global warming untill its late.

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