House voted for bill to oppose Trump Paris Agreement withdrawal

On Thursday, US Democrats showed their support for the Paris climate deal, in the first major climate legislation in almost ten years to pass one of the houses of congress.

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The Green New Deal – the last ecological chance for the USA

From the time Donald Trump became a president of the USA, he abolished all Obamas environmental projects and declared open support for fossil fuel economy. In two years the ecological situation has gone so devastating that it requires a resolute plan like a New Deal, presented and imposed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to combat the Great Depression. As a reflection, a Great New Deal brings strict solutions how to help the USA to tackle climate change.

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The UN Secretary General calls on leaders to bring to climate summit plants, not speeches

Antonio Guterres, the UN Secretary General is asking world leaders to bring plans, not speeches to a climate summit he is hosting in September this year.

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Climate strike: what, where and how

In schools across at least 100 countries, students went out of their classrooms on Friday (March 15) to participate in what have become known as the “School strikes”, “Climate strikes”, “Fridays For Future” against climate change inaction.

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Global Friday strike: “Climate change is worse than Voldemort”

On Friday, 15th of March, school and university students continue protests to call for political action on global climate crisis.

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US will join climate talks despite quitting Paris accord

The US State Department has officially informed the United Nations it will withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement, but has left the door open to re-engaging if the terms improved for the United States.

The State Department said in a press release the United States would continue to participate in United Nations climate change meetings during the withdrawal process, which is expected to take at least three years.

“The United States supports a balanced approach to climate policy that lowers emissions while promoting economic growth and ensuring energy security,” the department said in the release.

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