FDA reports about high level of chemicals in seafood, meats and chocolate cake in US stores

High levels of chemicals, which lead to health problems, have been found in seafood, meats and chocolate cake in US stores, reports the Food and Drug Administration.

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Climate change affects human health seriously and it will get worse in future

Experts claim that effects include spread of diseases and worse mental health.

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In India pupils pay for education not money but plastic

In the Indian state, Assam, has been working for three years a school that, instead of money, takes plastic for recycling.

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An Australian island is littered with 414 million pieces of plastic debris

Researchers found on tropical beaches more than 230 tonnes of plastic, with almost a million shoes and 370,000 toothbrushes.

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Tanzania implemented a ban on plastic bags

From now on tourists visiting Tanzania are being urged to remove plastic bags from their luggage after the country implemented a ban in order to tackle pollution and protect the environment.

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In USA people consume 70,000 particles of microplastics per year

In the 1940s began the mass production of plastics. Since then the versatile polymers have spread rapidly across the globe. It goes without saying that plastics have made life easier in many ways, but disposing of the materials is a growing problem. Researchers in the ACS journal Environmental Science & Technology declared that the average USA citizen consumes more than 70,000 particles of microplastics per year, though the health effects of that consumption stay still unclear.

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European Council adopted single-use plastic ban

On Tuesday 21 May the Council of the European Union adopted a directive proposed by the European Commission to ban 10 single-use plastic products (SUP)  in order to solve the problem of marine litter.

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All in plastic

This weeks shocking news reminded us how deep we are all in plastic.  Alongside with the usual plastic present in peoples everyday life, plastic occurs to be in places you’ll never think of. A plastic bag was found at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, where scientists were looking for representatives of animal world, not human’s.  This reminds us that plastic pollution problem becomes rampant. How all the planet came to this environmental catastrophe and how to deal with it?!

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Plastic has been found even in the deepest part of the ocean

On May 1, Victor Vescovo made a record completing the deepest-ever solo underwater dive. Having reached the bottom of the Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench, he found out that there was another representative of the human world – the plastic.

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Europe’s non-plastic path

More than fifty years ago Neil Armstrong made fundamental and outstanding discovery and resumed it it one famous quote: “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind”. The similar responds to european endevour on the path to clean and green future. Step by step Europe approaches itself to more nature and organic living.

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