Extinction Rebellion (aka XR) international movement continues its non-violent actions in different countries to lure worlds attention to climate change and extinction of species, despite arrests and indifference of governments.

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EU and China are to tackle climate change together

At a summit in Brussels on Tuesday the EU and China declared to tackle climate change and promote clean green energy together.

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More than 100 protesters arrested in London after the climate strike

It’s said that police have arrested more than 100 people after climate change protesters blocked the center of London, bringing traffic to a standstill.

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23 countries allied in coalition to tackle climate change

On 13th of March finance ministers from 23 countries pledged to back climate action through their policy, tax and spending decisions in a coalition.

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London streets are blocked with climate protesters

Today thousands of climate activists blocked parts of central London, Marble Arch, Oxford Circus and Waterloo Bridge aiming to force the government to tackle climate change with more affords.

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To stop global warming will be cheaper than expected

Researchers from The International Renewable Energy Agency have revised its forecast for the cost of curbing global warming due to the less price of renewables.

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From the Netherlands to Sydney on electric car

A Dutchman Wiebe Wakker has claimed the world’s longest electric car journey after driving almost 60,000 miles from the Netherlands to Sydney.

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Canada suffers from global warming twice hard than the rest of the world

A new scientific report indicates that Canada is warming on average at a rate twice as fast as the rest of the world.

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Global warming is killing dolphins

Dolphins are in danger as temperatures rise with global warming. Since a heat wave struck the waters of Western Australia in 2011, researchers noticed that warmer ocean temperatures caused fewer dolphin births and decreased the animal’s survival rate.

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UNESCO proposes Green solutions for Disaster Risk Reduction and climate change adaptation

On 12 of March the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization published a report on Green solutions for Disaster Risk Reduction and climate change adaptation. It underline the fact that well-managed ecosystems – such as wetlands, forests, coastal systems and many others – often act as natural infrastructure, reducing physical exposure to various natural hazards and increasing socio-economic resilience of people and communities. Healthy ecosystems also provide many more services and goods, playing a role in water quality and availability, air quality, food security, and much more. Together with its partners, UNESCO advances the disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation agenda through the application of ecosystem services and nature based solutions.

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